June 23rd, 2022 Public Hearing – Strathcona Residents Feel The Sting Of “Unjustified” Rental Housing

Public Hearing – June 23rd, 2022Time can be a funny thing, as these last two years have felt like an eternity, which in hindsight have also flown by. Supposedly as you get older this feeling only gets worse; since you’ve experienced more years, minutes, and hours can seem far quicker. Maybe that sense of time... Continue Reading →

Inspired By The East – 2019’s Seeds Sprout New Opportunities In Cambie’s Exclusive Gardens

500 - 650 West 57th Avenue (Pearson Dogwood lands) - Cambie Gardens While Darren and I have a backlog of content to write, as civic events have been postponed, this will likely be the last open house we attend for the foreseeable future. Admittedly, I was not certain we would go to this one, as... Continue Reading →

YMCA Departure Leaves Broken Heart at Pearson Dogwood Parcel C – Will UDP Support Mend that Wound?

There's no question that the YMCA's decision to abandon the Pearson Dogwood Lands left a huge hole in this building. That said, there are other lesser issues that have been well handled, as the applicants have created a road network that, while not complete is still functional, and includes dedicated space for HandyDART vehicles. The tree covered podium, with soil 3 meters deep, was designed to provide a... Continue Reading →

UDP Plants a Forest of Tree Jokes – Approves of Pearson Dogwood Parcel A

500 W 57th Avenue (Pearson Dogwood Parcel A) The February 14th UDP meeting started with the development application for the first phase of the Pearson Dogwood redevelopment. The applicant team introduced the project by  first discussing the need to fit in with the neighbourhood, and how they tried to accomplish this. They explained the brickwork was not only for insulating purposes, but... Continue Reading →

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