A Dance Of Desperation Finds Clarity With Promise To Satisfy Vancouver’s Every Whim

601 Beach Crescent (DP-2021-00162)To say following this mix of 303 strata, and 152 non-market homes has been a torturous process would be an understatement. The hurricane of anger Hannah and I witnessed at its open house pales when compared to the tediousness of the three Urban Design Panel reviews it’s been subjected to, and I... Continue Reading →

Plans To Renew The Jewish Community Centre Cakewalk Through The Urban Design Panel

950 W 41st Ave (DP-2022-00208) - Jewish Community Centre Phase OneOne might imagine securing commitments for tens of millions of dollars in federal, and provincial funding would be the biggest challenge the Jewish Community Centre's expansion and renewal would face. Of course, If there’s anything Hannah and I have learned since we attended its open... Continue Reading →

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